Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Optimizing Enterprise Integration Manager

Optimizing Enterprise Integration Manager

Use below process to capture/find out where problem exist.
  1. Turn on 'Level 8' EIM logging.
  2. Turn on SQL Profiler for the run.
  3. Run an EIM batch.
  4. Load the EIM log into Excel. Sort the log on execution time to find what is the longest execution time. Find this event In the unsorted EIM log.
  5. Load the SQL Profile trace into Excel. Sort on the longest duration, then on reads. These queries should match those in the EIM log.
  6. Review the execution plans. Isolate the problem. Determine how the problem can be fixed. Keep in mind that a combination of solutions may bring about the most improvement.

Optimization TIPs.

Here are the few factors to optimize EIM performance.

The loading strategy: This is the one of the most important factor to load data in EIM tables. Before inserting data into EIM tables you should analyze what data is being change and how date will be updated. What base tables are updated. It’s better to separate data into batches before loading into EIM tables. Suppose you have data to insert and you have executed EIM process with default parameters. When EIM executed its check whether records exit or not if not insertion will be performed otherwise existing record will be update and this is more costly operations. Think and organize when you have heavy data to process. Divide data into batches based on operation (insert, update, delete & merge).

Turn off optimizer hints: Performance can be optimized but turning off hint optimizer. Testing should tell you if this strategy is effective or not.


Avoid updates: Ensure configuration (.IFB) file that no updates are performed (if not required).


Fragmentation: During database load; data can be fragmented resulting poor performance because of more data pages must be read by SQL. To avoid fragmentation try to use index options FILLFACTOR and PAD_INDEX reduce fragmentation. The FILLFACTOR option reserves space on each leaf page of an index, while the PAD_INDEX option reserves space in the intermediate index pages.

Note: I have written above after reading technical notes from and EIM Administration Guide from Siebel bookshelf.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Locale Setting for Currency and Time Format

For Thick/Dedicated Client
Goto Startup >> Settings >> Control Panel >> Regional and Language Options.
Select required item and Customize.

For Thin/Web Client

Goto Sitemap >> Administration - Data >> Locale
Select required item and customize.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Changed logo on login page

Changed the logo in the login page (Not Home page) SWELogin.swt web template using tools or thirdparty editor.

Placed the image in the D:\Sea78\tools\PUBLIC\ENU\IMAGES folder.

1- Clear the cache
2- You may need to cycle the Siebel services on app servers

Select current record in PickList

Query: I have pick applet(Address).When I select the record,it shows the selected address records on applet. but when i reopen the pick applet, it highlights the 1st record of the pick applet rather than my selected record. It should come up with the current record highlighted

Comments: Configured the LONG LIST Property of picklist to FALSE

Monday, September 26, 2005

Access Control

Access control is the term used to describe the set of Siebel application mechanisms that control user access to data and application functionality.

Access control elements include the following:

The sections that follow examine access control further:

Parties are categorized into the following party types: Person, Position, Organization, Household, User List, and Access Group.

Groupings of data

Customer data:

Master data:
Other data
Access Control Mechanisms

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